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Transit spectrophotometry of the exoplanet HD189733b. I. Searching for water but finding haze with HST NICMOS

机译:系外行星HD189733b的转运分光光度法。 I.寻找   水,但发现HsT NICmOs的阴霾



We present Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared transit photometry of thenearby hot-Jupiter HD189733b. The observations were taken with the NICMOSinstrument during five transits, with three transits executed with a narrowbandfilter at 1.87 microns and two performed with a narrowband filter at 1.66microns. Our observing strategy using narrowband filters is insensitive to theusual HST intra-orbit and orbit-to-orbit measurement of systematic errors,allowing us to accurately and robustly measure the near-IR wavelengthdependance of the planetary radius. Our measurements fail to reproduce theSwain et al. absorption signature of atmospheric water below 2 microns at a5-sigma confidence level. We measure a planet-to-star radius contrast of0.15498+/-0.00035 at 1.66 microns and a contrast of 0.15517+/-0.00019 at 1.87microns. Both of our near-IR planetary radii values are in excellent agreementwith the levels expected from Rayleigh scattering by sub-micron haze particles,observed at optical wavelengths, indicating that upper-atmospheric haze stilldominates the near-IR transmission spectra over the absorption from gaseousmolecular species at least below 2 microns.
机译:我们介绍了当时的热木星HD189733b的哈勃太空望远镜近红外透射光度法。使用NICMOS仪器在五次转换中进行了观察,其中三次转换是使用1.87微米的窄带滤光片执行的,另外两项是使用1.66微米的窄带滤光片执行的。我们使用窄带滤波器的观测策略对通常的HST轨道内和系统间误差的轨到轨测量不敏感,从而使我们能够准确而稳健地测量行星半径的近红外波长依赖性。我们的测量结果无法重现Swain等人的观点。在5σ置信水平下2微米以下的大气水的吸收特征。我们在1.66微米处测量的行星与恒星半径的对比度为0.15498 +/- 0.00035,在1.87微米处测量的对比度为0.15517 +/- 0.00019。我们的两个近红外行星半径值都与在光波长处观察到的亚微米雾霾粒子在瑞利散射中的预期水平非常吻合,表明在从气态分子物质的吸收中,高大气雾度仍占近红外透射光谱的主导至少低于2微米。



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